Friday, August 8, 2008

The HP Fandom Traveling Gnome Embarks on a Trip Across North America To Raise Money For Avon Walk For a Cure!

Hey guys, I want to plug this for the first time.
This afternoon I 'borrowed' a gnome from my neighbor's because I wanted to do a Traveling Gnome prank. Then I told people online and we turned it into a Breast Cancer Walk Fundraiser.
This is where Melissa fits in, Mel, you are doing the Avon Walk for a Cure! *claps*
I see you only have 80% of your goal, so my plan is to send the Traveling Gnome around North America, for the cheapest price possible, take a picture of yourself with the gnome and write your name on the slip of paper on the first unavailable spot on the list of 1-30. Whoever has #30 will send the box back to me. The idea for raising money is when you get the gnome, throw a donation in the envelope of a couple of dollars or whatever you can spare. It's OK if you are just doing it for the heck of having the Traveling Gnome from Pickering Ontario, or don't have any spare cash, that's perfectly fine as this was just for fun at the start. The best part is, you get to pick who gets the gnome next, but we are aiming to keep it within the fandom please!
Hufflepuff love & lots of hugs!
(P.S. If you know anyone who would love doing this please please inform them!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Joe Made Me Update

Joe really did make me update.
I felt like it anyways.

I stayed up all night waiting, and all the photos were out in 6 hours!!!!!!!!!
I squee'd so loud that my mom was like 'Get to sleep!' (and i ignored her yet again)

I'm so happy! The material for Movie 6, The Movie They Kept Their Mouths Shut On, is pouring in. Maybe trailer soon WB? Pleasie please?

Anyways. I'm planning our family vacation, and to my imense surprise, a friend of mine is staying the summer in a town we are visiting! We've planned to hang and chill for like 3 days straight.
Our dates planned are July 13-26. Places coming soon!

Ha. Thanks for making me update, Joe.
Now if only your prodding could make Jo update HER site!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wow- been awhile since I last posted- SORRY!
I'm busy around exam and final review time.
We have had only 176 days of schooling this year out of the 194 we should have had. Thanks snow. And thank you brain-less busdrivers!
This summer will be my first summer with no Potter excitement. Or so I hope not. It's been 329 days since the release of Deathly Hallows and around this time every year I may fall into depression. More commonly called PPD. Post Potter Depression. Last night I went through 1479 pictures of fanart on facebook and had a killer time laughing at some and crying on others.

The saddest part of this summer is that I'm gonna be in Maine for the 1-year-of-Deathly-Hallows celebration my friends are putting on! The best part is I will be back for my birthday. There's also these other cool kids who celebrate the same bday. I think their names are Jo Rowling and Harry Potter. (No one believes me anymore. Just ask my twin brother.)

I had a really good rant yesterday that poured out my feelings on the series and the fandom.
Check it on Facebook later because my internet doesnt like me now.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Doesn't take a scientist/engineer to see this.

Harry Potter.
[x] Your hair is dark and can be messy.
[ ] You wear glasses.
[x] You have a weird looking scar.
[ ] You are brave.
[x] You have green eyes.
[x] You like playing a particular sport.
Total = [4]

Ron Weasley.
[] You have red hair. (I wish!)
[x] You are very loyal to your friends.
[ ] You are deathly afraid of spiders.
[x] You are sarcastic.
[x] You don't have a lot of money.
[] You have older siblings.(twins don't count as older right?)
Total = [4]

Hermione Granger.
[x] You are bossy.
[x] You are intelligent.
[x] Your hair is wavy or curly.
[x] You have a cat.
[x] You usually know how to handle tricky situations.
[x] You get made fun of a lot.
Total = [6]

Rubeus Hagrid.
[x] You are tall.
[x] You are very friendly and soft hearted.
[x You love animals.
[] You are very helpful.
[] You give in easily.
[x] You are very loyal.
Total = [4]

Luna Lovegood.
[x] You are weird and proud of it.
[x] You don't have loads of friends.
[] You have blonde hair.
[x] You are open minded.
[] You are quite spiritual.
[x] You believe in things most people wouldn't.
Total = [4]

Draco Malfoy.
[] You are manipulative.
[x] You can be very mean when you want to be.
[] You are a snob.
[x] You can get jealous.
[] You have blonde hair.
[x] You enjoy pranks.
Total = [3]

Neville Longbottom.
[x] You are close to your grandparents.
[x] You are easily frightened.
[x] You get nervous easily.
[] You like frogs and toads.
[x] You are geeky.
Total = [4]

Don't take a scientist to tell me who I am most like.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Evening :D
My blog is now RSS'ed to my facebook now so if you follow this, please see it at because I need you to clicK the @ds please at the top! (two clicks is even great!)
I'm really bored right now, and sick and tired. I just can't wait till the time PotterCast is recorded because I would die to be one it!
I'm tired! I stayed up most of the night.
Gotta get some more sleep!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hey guys! I was really really upset when Frak's PC 156 doodles showed up, which ment they had recorded already, and of course they had done the 'Are You Smarter Than John & Frak?' game, and I was almost in tears.
Then- that evening when PC was released I was so happy to find out that John wasn't on it which probably they are doing it next week which still gives me a chance to be on it!

I would probably faint if I was ever talking to John, Melissa and Sue! I talk to Frak all the time on Facebook chat- so I already got my share of talking with him, although it would be cool to actually SPEAK to him!
I have to wait a freaking week to see if I'm on...and I would DIE to be a contestant!

Hufflepuff hugs & kisses

P.S. Check me out on Plurk:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The most random post on this blog, ever.

My cousin wants me to blog about CHEESE today.
For dinner- we had Pamasean cheese with our spaghetti.
You know Kraft Dinner? Is that really real cheese or not?
Was Harry really putting cheese into the salad at Shell Cottage for Fleur?
Do mice care what kind of cheese is in the damn moustrap?
This has been the most RANDOM post on my blog so far- so don't expect anything stranger.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Randomly Random Randomness!

I'm really, really bored right now.
Hooky on school rocks but you get bored easily! TLAC is going on this week so there is only around 10 kids in my class till monday. Lucky for me, my mom lets me stay home! SQUEE!!!
My new favorite art this week is Frak's 'Where be Melvin??' (Check out Frak's blog )
You can see it by going to Squee!
I have read the prequel so many times, and I can't wait for my copy of the What's Your Story? to arrive in August! I payed 24$ for express shipping so it had better get 'across the pond' as fast as is possible!
Love you guys always!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wiz Wrock and Prequal Squee!

Hey guys! I took some days off but I'm back! I went to my friend Reo's on the weekend and we saw a wiz wrock concert! JFF & the Sugarquills were there too! I got like 10 hugs from Matt and like 6 from Justin cuz he is awesome too!
I stayed up all night listening to PotterCast to pass the time to the Prequal release- and OMG here you can read my typed out version that took like an hour to dechipher!

The speeding motorcycle took the sharp corner so fast in the darkness that both policemen in the pursuing car shouted,"Whoa!" Sergeant Fisher slammed his large foot on the brake, thinking that the boy who was riding pillion was sure to be flung under his wheels; however, the motorbike made the turn without seating either of its riders, and with a wink of its red tail lights, vanished up the narrow side street. "We've got 'em now!" cried PC Anderson excitedly. "That's a dead end!" Leaning hard on the steering wheel and crashing his gears, Fisher scraped half the paint off the flank of the car as he forced it up the alleyway in pursuit. There in the headlights sat their quarry, stationary at last after a quarter of an hour's chase. The two riders were trapped between a towering brickwall and the police car, which was now crawling towards them like some growling luminous-eyes predator. There was so little space betwen the car doors and the walls of the alley that Fisher and Anderson had difficulty extricating themselves from the vehicle. It injured their dignity to have to inch,crab-like,towards the miscreants. Fisher dragged his generous belly along the wall,tearing buttons off his shirt as he went, and finally snapping off the wing mirror with his backside. "Get off the bike!" he bellowed at the smirking youths, who sat basking in the flashing blue light as though enjoying it.They did as they were told, finally pulling free from the broken wing mirror, Fisher glared at them. They seemed to be in their late teens. The one who had been driving had long black hair, his insolent good looks reminded Fisher unpleasantly of his daughter's guitar-playing, layabout boyfriend. The second boy also had black hair, though his was short and stuck up in all directions; he wore glasses and a broad grin. Both were dressed in t-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird; the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, timeless rock band. "No helmet!" Fisher yelled, pointing from one uncovered head to the other. "Exceeding the speed limit by-by a considerable amount!" (In fact, the speed registered had been greater than Fisher was prepared to accept that any motocycle could travel.) "Failure to stop for the police!""We'd have loved to stop for a chat," said the boy in glasses,"only we were trying--" "Don't get smart-you two are in a heap of trouble!" snarled Anderson. "Names!""Names?" repeated the long-haired driver."Er-Well, let's see. There's Wilberforce...Bathsheba...Elvendork...""And what's nice about that one is, you can use it for a boy OR a girl," said the boy in glasses. "Oh, our names, did you mean?" asked the first, as Anderson spluttered with rage."You should've said! This here is James Potter, and I'm Sirius Black!""Things'll be seriously black for you in a minute, you cheek little-" But neither James nor Sirius was paying attention. They were suddenly as alert as gundogs, staying past Fisher and Anderson, over the roof of the police car, at the dark mouth of the alley. Then, with identical, fluid movemoments, they reached into their back pockets. For the space of a heartbeat both policemen imagined guns gleaming at them, but a second later they saw that the motocyclists had drawn nothing more than- "Drumsticks?" jeered Anderson. "Right pair of jokers, aren't you? Right, we're arresting you on a charge of--" But Anderson never got to name the charge. James and Sirius had shouted something incomprehensible, and the beams from the headlights had moved. The policemen wheeld around, then staggered backwards. Three men were flying-actually flying- up the alley on broomsticks-and at the same moment,the police car was rearing up on its back wheels. Fisher's knee bucked; as he sat down hard; Anderson tripped over Fisher's legs and fell on top of him, as flump-bang-crunch- they heard the mean on brooms slam into the suspended car and fall, apparently insensible, to the ground, while broken bits of broomstick clattered down around them. The motorbike had roared into life again. His mouth hanging open, Fisher mustered the strength to look back at the two teenagers. "Thanks very much!" called Sirius over the throb of the engine."We owe you one!" "Yeah, nice meeting you!" said James. "And don't forget: Elvendork! It's unisex!" There was an earth-shaking crash, and Fisher and Anderson threw their arms around each other in fright; their car had just fallen back to the ground. Now it was the motocycle's turn to rear. Before the policemen's disbelieving eyes, it took off into thin air: James and Sirius zoomed away into the night sky, their tail light twinkling behind them like a vanishing ruby. From the prequel I am not working on-but that was fun! J.K. Rowling.2008

God that was hilarious to read. Elvendork...ha!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


GO RED WINGS! You kick ass!
Pens sucks dude! They (translating to the whole world) thinks they are sooooo good because of damn Crosby, but noooooooo, only TRUE hockey fans pick the more experienced, better might I add, team!
Good luck tonight my dear Wings!
No matter what, we still love you.


Hi again my friends! I'm getting so excited!!!
Wiz. wrock show is only 3 days away! I can't believe it, I just can't believe it! I've been waiting for this concert for about 2 months, and in one afternoon- it will be over! The anticipation- oh my god! I can't wait- I just can't wait!
I've made like 2.39$ on my blog but I'm gonna need like 10 time that for my trip! :P
I've been asking people to click on mine, and clicking on others.
One of my friends* I shall call him now- Kyle would like me to plug his: <-- clickie for some brownie points!
You can spend them at Walmart now! :P
There is going to be 200 excited HP freaks, 90% fangirls, and 10% guys, singing along to Mattie bear! I'm gonna hug him like a million times, don't worry, pictures will go on here and facebook for you all!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fiend Fire

I was listening to your discussion of the Fiend fire in Chapter by Chapter this week (episode 147) and I never once heard anyone say what the word 'fiend' actually means. To spare you the time of looking it up- 'fiend' means 'cruel, very evil' thus making Fiend Fire cruel (or evil) fire.
It's one of my spelling words this week so I can proudly say Harry Potter taught me more than the power of love, more importantly, a mother's love.
Short post today- more tomorow.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Here I go again! I've recently started listening to Wizard Rock and I really like the Remus Lupins, and the Whomping Willows. Thankfully, both bands are comming near in the summer! The WW's are coming THIS WEEKEND to Oshawa and I am going to see them! SQUEE! With Reo, my BFFL&AL
The Remus Lupins are coming to Toronto July 26th, which I was freaking out like 'zOMG!!!!!!' and my aunt is taking me to that too!
zOMG! Too much SQUEEing. Must shut down and listen to PotterCast
CAPTAIN HOT: I LOVE YOU <3333333333333333333333333333333333

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Untitled Post

Well- I think I will do what half of the blogging world does- set a goal. (In which 1/5th suceed!)
20 posts a month leaves me... 2 blog posts in 2 days, then a day off! Did I remind you guys, I have a Skype? hermione432432 Skype me if you want because it gets really boring around here XD
By the way, that picture is the Hogwarts Sandcastle! :)
Add me on Facebook- Sylvie Cook or something, I'm always looking for new people to meet on there!
Stupidest HP thing of the week? the 'next harry potter' according to an add on facebook.
Till tomorow


The terrible state of my desk XD it's worse now because I just finished a Fanta and there is (another) bottle & wrapper. Hasn't changed much in a almost a year, except the clutter piles up. I'm 'just like Jo.' as Reo said today!
I'm walking for MS on June 14, in memory of Anne Rowling, Jo's mother.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm so sorry!

I did it again...I forgot all about the blog. I've been so tied up these past few weeks, the blog was the thing that had to be let down. I see I'm getting lots of reads- and some clicks to the ads, thanks guys!

I finaly have a Skype now- hermione432432 is my personal one, but I have unlimited international calling on the family one but my mom uses that one and she gets angry when random Potter people call her while she's making calls to her out-of-town friends.

I'm going to a Wizard Rock concert! In Oshawa, to see Matt who IS the Whomping Willows on June 8th! I'm seeing him and the Remus Lupins in Toronto on July 26th too!
I've become more obsessive this week and redecorated my room in Hufflepuff colours. Streamers of black and yellow are wound around everything- heck! I bet I bleed and cry yellow and black. Not that I cry often or anything...

It's getting late and I think this is an O.K post. The last thing I shall say this week is- Happy Week-long belated Hufflepuff Day!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's been over a week!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in...eight days now, I'm sorry!
School SUCKS and I shouldn't even be on the computer right now XD
This is gonna be a really short post, but there will be one a night this week.
Please join my group on Facebook!
Kudos to you if you join!
Also please remember to click the ads because we really need money for the trip!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

'Hump Day' is over!

The staff & students of DGH have been working morning, night & day to get ready for the school musical, gosh, and today was the first live performance, tomorow, we are doing it again. And then again...
It went pretty smoothly, except that Spencer (Desmond) responded to Emma (Michelle)'s exclemation 'I didn't know you spoke french!' with 'Well, that's because I DON'T!' instead of 'Oh my dear Michelle, there is alot you don't know about your ol' dad!'

Late night posts are becomming common for me, so 'scuse me if you are on my watch list, and want to be removed, please tell me ASAP.

^ Remember to click the ads because France isn't comming to the Kavaliers, the Kavaliers must go to France!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Religions of MuggleCast!

I had some really loud 'SQUEE' moments yesterday when I discovered the many religions of Mugglecast! There is a group on facebook called 'Mugglecastanity'
Some others include Micahtanity, Simzism, Jamieism, Mattology, Ericology, Elyssaism & Lauratanity.
Tomorow is our area Battle of the Books, and the Order of the Phoenix (me!) is competing! Squee!
Also I bought a new Snitch, and on the back i engraved 'I open at the close' in tiny, curly script.
Reo wispered, 'I wonder if we cracked it open, would we find the Peverell ring?'
I didn't wanna crack it open but I have a plastic 'gold' ring with a black 'stone' set into it that I drew a DH symbol on and cracked it down the middle :P
I am number 62 for BOTB, and I have to get working on reading the last book.
When I'm done again...I will do another post about 'Double Identity' and 'The Breadwinner'

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back Home Again

I finaly met the girl I have been talking to for months on MSN. Reo!
We were so alike, HP addicts, same house, same personality, both love MuggleCast & PotterCast.
We even LOOKED something alike. Except Reo is like 6ft. tall. (And I'm like 5"2)
We spent 30 minutes waiting for a bus in those places ment to keep you dry while waiting for the bus. (It was leaking through this huge hole in the roof) and Reo didn't think she had enough for the bus fare after buying 5 Gum, a Harry Potter Posterbook and a Time Turner, so a very nice man (who had an Austrailian accent!) lent us 1$, which we thanked him over and over.
I forgot my pink (Hagrid) umbrella so I was stuck with an old blue-check one.
And we still had to have 4$ for her laundry that evening :P
We did, thank gosh!
Then we did a podcast-mini recording and it will soon be up...I'm too tired now, I just got back *yawn*

Lack of sleep for the past month is wearing me down so bad...
'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life is short, so PARTY WE MUST!'

May I also say that a dear friend of mine, Alana Clarke, had a friend named Tyler, who was injured in a car accident and was in the hospital for several days.
This post is in memory of Tyler Perry Letto, 1992-2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Sky Cried For Those Who Died

Today was the 10th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts.
I wonder how Jo was today.
I think it should be declared a Potter-fan Holiday.
Today it rained, probably the gods mourning as well. My other Potter friends held a memorial this morning before school, since they all live in my neighbourhood and when DH came out we built a small little cross and planted some flowers in the beautiful forrest in my backyard.
The flowers (bleeding hearts, daffodils and lillies) are growing nicely.
We each said some words. All I could get out was, 'thank you, you are sorely missed in the world. May your children, grandchildren and friends have the right to know where you stood in the Battle.' then broke down in tears.
The best thing about today is it marked 10 years of the downfall of Voldemort, but also the loss of 50-odd people.
A good thing about today in reality now, was that gas prices are down! 119.5 isn't bad from what we had last week...*scowls* at least we sold some gas stocks for a decent profit.
The last thing for today is please please please, if you have the time, click the green ads up ^^^^ there because if you do, your helping the Kawartha Kavaliers ( represent Ontario in the D-Day parade, June 6, 2009 in France.
Love you always & please comment,

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Tomorow is the 10th anniversary of the Battle Of Hogwarts. (DH)
May the dead rest in peace knowing that they died in the name protecting Harry Potter.
Wear black to show that you love harry potter and that you wish to honor the dead.

Now to more life-like stuff.
I have to get up at 6 AM and I get home at 6 PM. 12 effing hours at school.
Also might I add that today my Battle of the Books team pwned all the competition, winning all five battles by a margin of over 7 points?
Woohoooot! We're going to county on Tuesday which means NO FLIPPING CHOIR IN THE MORNING! 36 days left of school!
France in '09! HIGHSCHOOL IS LOOMING IN THE DISTANCE! I CAN JUST SEE IT! Only if I had a rope that would let me pass grade eight to highschool...
Quote of the Day: 'Micah, are you J.K. Rowling?' ~ Andrew Sims
(My backround on my computer is mugglecast so I pick a random quote for this one!)

Monday, April 28, 2008

A day needs to have more sleepy sleep time.

There isnt enough time in the day.
I spend 11 hours at the school these days, 4 blogging, 4 ½ reading/writing fanfics, ½ homework, 4 sleeping.
If the person who decided school was going to be obligatory for all kids, was alive today, I swear he would be mobbed day and night by us kids. They sure found a way to get us to lose our sanity.
SCHOOL, oh how I dislike it.

Right now I have to get to school early, leave school late, so most posts on my blog wont be up until 6PM.
I might do a 2AM post though :P

Guess what else?
Gas prices are up again.
123.5$/litre, and yes, I still am going to be driven 'halfway across the continent with these gas prices' and yes, I did lose my mind.
Nothing stands between me, John Noe, Frak, Sue Upton, Melissa Anelli, Andrew Sims, Elysa Montfort, Laura Thompson, Matt Britton, Jamie Lawrence (The sexy one) and all you other awesome potter peoples :D
Also I have Battle Of The Books Thursday so I will keep you posted if we get to go to Area level. (Which we have for the past 4 years, so practically guarentee)
Luv you all!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Patronus

I'm so happy! SQUEE! Frankie Franco, aka, Frak, drew my patronus, which is, as I have been told, a Golden Retriever, as drawn by everyone's favorite WandiCorn person, Frak! :D
It started when I clicked the ads on his site like 100 times a day, lol.
I believe Frak has only done 5-10 patronus' for people, correct me if I am wrong...
Now you deserve more ad-clicking money-earning, my dear Frak.

122.9$/litre? When did THAT happen?

How Gas Prices Are Affecting Me & My Potter World:
lol...anyways. I just got back from the ONLY gas station in Little Britain, and what the frak?! 122.9$ a litre?
If this is only April, imagine July! And I'm being DRIVEN to Portus in Dallas Texas this summer! Oh puh-lease, I hope this gas-binge ends soon.
So from now on I'm using or so that I hope-to-the-high-heavens that I will be able to get to Portus this summer!

Another Post Already?

I just realised how bored I am.

Damn dad started the pressure-washer again and now I have to go get my earplugs.
-Alright, perfect.
Now back to my rant.

Ever wondered why Neville was so- so- well, not good at magic? Remember in book 5 he said he had his father's wand? Wand allegiance! Never switch probably, then in book 6 after he breaks his fathers wand, he gets a new one, which he obviously gets better marks in school and better wand work.

Remember Ron's abysmal wand-work in books 1 & 2? On the train in book 1, he says he has 'Charlie's wand, Bill's robes & Percy's old rat.' He couldn't even do the simplest spells in books 1 & 2. Then in book 3 he got a new wand. Poor Jo, making them break their wands. Then she explains wand allegiance in book 7 and doesn't even mention Neville or Ron & their wand allegiance problems!

I had to get that out,
(Hey! Someone's going by our house on a two-seater bicycle! lol!)

Oh My Toes!

I'm sitting here typing out the first rant/entry of my blog and my toes (and fingers) are freezing! (Maybe I should close the window? Oh wait- it's stuck, screw that idea)

Well, anyways, welcome to my blog, where I feel free to rant my life away about some really random stuff. I will though, worm harry potter into everything, such as the fact that I'm wearing Harry Potter PJs and that the 10 year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts (no. 2 in Deathly Hallows) is on May 2, so I advise you all to wear black or something...Also that a friend of mine is going to see Eqqus...*SQUEE* and I really want to...but I really cant because I have to save money for France...and Niagara. I mean, France is free but...duh...I'm gonna spend all my money there. Niagara however would cost me 160$...which is about how much I have right now. Also, I was chatting with everyone's favorite WandiCorn drawer, Frankie Franco III, aka, Frak (blog:

But thank GOSH the house is empty t0day. My mom is still sleeping and my dad is doing the barn work, while my brother is out fishing with cousin dewey, and my little sister is at a birthday party. I love when the house is quiet. Oh, my Golden Retriever Amber out chasing that damned rabbit that keeps eating up our garden.

Did I mention I have a twin brother? Bill. Billy Bob Joe to me. Also- I live on a farm, the new chicks came in the other day, SOOOOOOOO cute! We have about 15 sheep and too many cats to count. We also have 30 baby chicks and around 34 full-grown chickens. They make money for me. :D

Rant is long enough, thanks for listening, Sylvie