Wednesday, May 7, 2008

'Hump Day' is over!

The staff & students of DGH have been working morning, night & day to get ready for the school musical, gosh, and today was the first live performance, tomorow, we are doing it again. And then again...
It went pretty smoothly, except that Spencer (Desmond) responded to Emma (Michelle)'s exclemation 'I didn't know you spoke french!' with 'Well, that's because I DON'T!' instead of 'Oh my dear Michelle, there is alot you don't know about your ol' dad!'

Late night posts are becomming common for me, so 'scuse me if you are on my watch list, and want to be removed, please tell me ASAP.

^ Remember to click the ads because France isn't comming to the Kavaliers, the Kavaliers must go to France!

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