Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm so sorry!

I did it again...I forgot all about the blog. I've been so tied up these past few weeks, the blog was the thing that had to be let down. I see I'm getting lots of reads- and some clicks to the ads, thanks guys!

I finaly have a Skype now- hermione432432 is my personal one, but I have unlimited international calling on the family one but my mom uses that one and she gets angry when random Potter people call her while she's making calls to her out-of-town friends.

I'm going to a Wizard Rock concert! In Oshawa, to see Matt who IS the Whomping Willows on June 8th! I'm seeing him and the Remus Lupins in Toronto on July 26th too!
I've become more obsessive this week and redecorated my room in Hufflepuff colours. Streamers of black and yellow are wound around everything- heck! I bet I bleed and cry yellow and black. Not that I cry often or anything...

It's getting late and I think this is an O.K post. The last thing I shall say this week is- Happy Week-long belated Hufflepuff Day!


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