Monday, April 28, 2008

A day needs to have more sleepy sleep time.

There isnt enough time in the day.
I spend 11 hours at the school these days, 4 blogging, 4 ½ reading/writing fanfics, ½ homework, 4 sleeping.
If the person who decided school was going to be obligatory for all kids, was alive today, I swear he would be mobbed day and night by us kids. They sure found a way to get us to lose our sanity.
SCHOOL, oh how I dislike it.

Right now I have to get to school early, leave school late, so most posts on my blog wont be up until 6PM.
I might do a 2AM post though :P

Guess what else?
Gas prices are up again.
123.5$/litre, and yes, I still am going to be driven 'halfway across the continent with these gas prices' and yes, I did lose my mind.
Nothing stands between me, John Noe, Frak, Sue Upton, Melissa Anelli, Andrew Sims, Elysa Montfort, Laura Thompson, Matt Britton, Jamie Lawrence (The sexy one) and all you other awesome potter peoples :D
Also I have Battle Of The Books Thursday so I will keep you posted if we get to go to Area level. (Which we have for the past 4 years, so practically guarentee)
Luv you all!

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