Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another Post Already?

I just realised how bored I am.

Damn dad started the pressure-washer again and now I have to go get my earplugs.
-Alright, perfect.
Now back to my rant.

Ever wondered why Neville was so- so- well, not good at magic? Remember in book 5 he said he had his father's wand? Wand allegiance! Never switch probably, then in book 6 after he breaks his fathers wand, he gets a new one, which he obviously gets better marks in school and better wand work.

Remember Ron's abysmal wand-work in books 1 & 2? On the train in book 1, he says he has 'Charlie's wand, Bill's robes & Percy's old rat.' He couldn't even do the simplest spells in books 1 & 2. Then in book 3 he got a new wand. Poor Jo, making them break their wands. Then she explains wand allegiance in book 7 and doesn't even mention Neville or Ron & their wand allegiance problems!

I had to get that out,
(Hey! Someone's going by our house on a two-seater bicycle! lol!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sylvie, this is so true. I take pride in the fact that my son Harry and I catch so many details that the podcasts folks seem to miss or dismiss but this observation of wand allegiance had eluded us. Very sharp catch. Well done