Monday, April 28, 2008
A day needs to have more sleepy sleep time.
I spend 11 hours at the school these days, 4 blogging, 4 ½ reading/writing fanfics, ½ homework, 4 sleeping.
If the person who decided school was going to be obligatory for all kids, was alive today, I swear he would be mobbed day and night by us kids. They sure found a way to get us to lose our sanity.
SCHOOL, oh how I dislike it.
Right now I have to get to school early, leave school late, so most posts on my blog wont be up until 6PM.
I might do a 2AM post though :P
Guess what else?
Gas prices are up again.
123.5$/litre, and yes, I still am going to be driven 'halfway across the continent with these gas prices' and yes, I did lose my mind.
Nothing stands between me, John Noe, Frak, Sue Upton, Melissa Anelli, Andrew Sims, Elysa Montfort, Laura Thompson, Matt Britton, Jamie Lawrence (The sexy one) and all you other awesome potter peoples :D
Also I have Battle Of The Books Thursday so I will keep you posted if we get to go to Area level. (Which we have for the past 4 years, so practically guarentee)
Luv you all!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
My Patronus

122.9$/litre? When did THAT happen?
lol...anyways. I just got back from the ONLY gas station in Little Britain, and what the frak?! 122.9$ a litre?
If this is only April, imagine July! And I'm being DRIVEN to Portus in Dallas Texas this summer! Oh puh-lease, I hope this gas-binge ends soon.
So from now on I'm using or so that I hope-to-the-high-heavens that I will be able to get to Portus this summer!
Another Post Already?
Damn dad started the pressure-washer again and now I have to go get my earplugs.
-Alright, perfect.
Now back to my rant.
Ever wondered why Neville was so- so- well, not good at magic? Remember in book 5 he said he had his father's wand? Wand allegiance! Never switch probably, then in book 6 after he breaks his fathers wand, he gets a new one, which he obviously gets better marks in school and better wand work.
Remember Ron's abysmal wand-work in books 1 & 2? On the train in book 1, he says he has 'Charlie's wand, Bill's robes & Percy's old rat.' He couldn't even do the simplest spells in books 1 & 2. Then in book 3 he got a new wand. Poor Jo, making them break their wands. Then she explains wand allegiance in book 7 and doesn't even mention Neville or Ron & their wand allegiance problems!
I had to get that out,
(Hey! Someone's going by our house on a two-seater bicycle! lol!)
Oh My Toes!
I'm sitting here typing out the first rant/entry of my blog and my toes (and fingers) are freezing! (Maybe I should close the window? Oh wait- it's stuck, screw that idea)
Well, anyways, welcome to my blog, where I feel free to rant my life away about some really random stuff. I will though, worm harry potter into everything, such as the fact that I'm wearing Harry Potter PJs and that the 10 year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts (no. 2 in Deathly Hallows) is on May 2, so I advise you all to wear black or something...Also that a friend of mine is going to see Eqqus...*SQUEE* and I really want to...but I really cant because I have to save money for France...and Niagara. I mean, France is free but...duh...I'm gonna spend all my money there. Niagara however would cost me 160$...which is about how much I have right now. Also, I was chatting with everyone's favorite WandiCorn drawer, Frankie Franco III, aka, Frak (blog:
But thank GOSH the house is empty t0day. My mom is still sleeping and my dad is doing the barn work, while my brother is out fishing with cousin dewey, and my little sister is at a birthday party. I love when the house is quiet. Oh, my Golden Retriever Amber out chasing that damned rabbit that keeps eating up our garden.
Did I mention I have a twin brother? Bill. Billy Bob Joe to me. Also- I live on a farm, the new chicks came in the other day, SOOOOOOOO cute! We have about 15 sheep and too many cats to count. We also have 30 baby chicks and around 34 full-grown chickens. They make money for me. :D
Rant is long enough, thanks for listening, Sylvie